Healing Through Past Lives
The very first moment I heard about reincarnation I knew it was true. I was eight years old and my father was explaining the concept of reincarnation. Something in my mind clicked, and a spark ignited: “Yes!, that makes sense and explains so much!” Heaven and Hell seemed so absolute, final and unbelievable to me. Reincarnation, on the other hand, just felt like truth inside my body. It was a very memorable moment of my childhood. Of course I went on as a young adult to explore all kinds of theological and spiritual philosophies and concepts, but I could never shake the concept that my life was only one life in a whole series of lives.
Much later, when I began to see people’s past lives during clairvoyant readings, it was always exciting for a person to look at who’d they been, where they’d come from, their abilities, dreams, hopes, past relationships, etc. At the same time, they were also able to understand themselves to a greater depth than before. Long term patterns and difficult situations were seen through a new lens after hearing about past lives. Deep chronic issues were made better.
Understanding the patterns in ourselves can assist you in understanding the puzzle which makes up YOU. Each past life you access is another puzzle piece which helps in unlocking the whole picture of you. On a deeper level, looking at our past lives help us to remember are inner truth and our uniqueness, helping to bring us closer to why we are here and what we are doing with our lives.
This understanding of rebirth has a long history in Buddhism, Hinduism and Eastern Mysticism. Recognizing the “Wheel Of Life” and the cycles of rebirth, is the beginning to understanding the purpose of having multiple lifetimes. And further, to understand the aim of eventually ending the seemingly endless cycles of rebirths, and to move on to the next realm of existence.
“We are born and reborn countless number of times…”
“Reincarnation is not an exclusively Hindu or Buddhist concept, but it is part of the history of human origin. It is proof of the mindstream’s capacity to retain knowledge of physical and mental activities. It is related to the theory of interdependent origination and to the law of cause and effect.”
The Dalai Lama
“I had never been able to believe that God would give us poor frail humans only one chance at making it — that we would be assigned to some kind of hell because we failed during one experience of mortal life. … So the concepts of karma and reincarnation made logical sense to me”
Jane Goodall, Anthropologist and Primatologist