House and Business Healings

House Healing

How the energy is set in the home you live in is important, as it affects all aspects of your life. Having a House Healing can help increase the flow of positive energy through your home, and remove stuck energy.

A House Healing is a two-hour session where we look clairvoyantly at the energy of the house and how it is impacting the people living in the home. There are generally three parts to a house healing. The session begins with an initial scanning of the house, then a reading is done looking at the aura of the home and at specific rooms. In addition, this part of the session includes looking how the house’s energy is affecting the household occupants.  The last part of the healing occurs where the healer gives the house a healing on the issues that arose during the reading of the home.  A house healing is a powerful and transformational way to clear energy that no longer works for the home and creates a more harmonious environment.

You may be interested in a house healing if you have recently moved into a new home, are having trouble selling your home, or if there is energy in the house that feels stuck. A house healing can also help if you are unhappy with where you live, a feeling that there may be an “entity” in the house, or wanting to bring in a more abundant energy. House healings are a wonderful way to bring more peace into your living environment and to get more clarity on the issues you may be facing.

Business Healing

A Business Healing takes a look at how the energy is set at your business and what energies are affecting your business and heals it. The healing can be done off-site or on-site of the business. If on-site, the healers will first walk through the business, scanning the energy.  If off-site, the healers will look remotely at the business. Then the healers give the business owners or management a reading on the business. After that, the healers give a healing to the business.

You may be interested in a business healing if your business has experienced a downturn or lag, if there are problems with the business or personnel, if there is conflict within the business. Other times you may want a business healing is if you are at a crossroads, or looking to take a next step with your business, perhaps a joint venture, merger or expansion. Or you just may be curious or want to move the energy into a more positive direction. Business healings are a great way to clear stagnant energy from your business and help kickstart new enthusiasm into your business.